"Art is not a mirror with which to reflect the world; it is a hammer with which to shape it"

Wednesday 28 November 2007

Gold Against The Soul: Solidarity

The Writers Guild strike is actually very simple to understand. Writers appear to be the only creators to whom the rules of copyrights and patents do not properly apply.

Invent a food processor and licence it… you get a royalty; write a piece of music and licence it… you get a royalty; write a novel and licence it… you get a royalty…

Write a script and… er… er...

Without the originators of the ideas there are no ideas, no innovations and no products!

Hopefully the US Strike will prove conclusively that in any creative endeavour the worker truly does control the means of production.


Elinor said...

Hear, hear Jon. Well said.

Writers will prevail and to prove it we have Satan AKA Chris Soth on our side. Check out the comments under THAT header.

Jon said...

I do try. Or should I say... 'I am trying'! B'dum!

I've got to go comment on the Sothy-Satany one in the near future...