"Art is not a mirror with which to reflect the world; it is a hammer with which to shape it"

Friday, 21 September 2007

Demon Days

It may have seemed, of late, that I've been neglecting the Scribosphere. There is, of course, a perfectly good explanation: I have been neglecting the Scribosphere. And there has been a reason for this too. Hoorah! So, much rejoicing about the whole bunch of reasons that I have for a whole bunch of things...

...anyway, simple truth, I found a small box behind the sofa the other day and it said on the label 'here be demons: do not open'. So, like an inquisitive fool, I tore open the box and there were demons just everywhere. Long story short? Bell, book, candle, yadda, yadda, yadda, demons re-boxed, Scribosphere rejoined...

...you may now be pleased/fearful to know I'm back and my opinions follow quickly in my wake! Mwahahaha! And other miscellaneous sinister noises...

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